Family Ministries
The objective of the Family Ministries Department is to disciple families as they walk with Christ so that they reflect Christ to their friends and neighbors. As our families grow in the likeness of Christ, they will Embrace Carolina with Christ. Ellen White stressed the evangelistic impact of a Christian family when she wrote, “One well-ordered, well-disciplined (disciple) family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached.” Adventist Home, p. 32
Services provided by the Family Ministries Department include:
Romance at the Ranch; a marriage retreat hosted at Nosoca Pines Ranch in February
From This Day Forward Seminar
Camp Meeting Seminars
Journey Towards Intimacy Seminar
Divorce Recovery
Marriage Seminars
Parenting Seminars
Family Emphasis Sabbaths
Seminars ministering to those who struggle with pornography
The department also provides families with resources outside of the Carolinas. In addition, the Family Ministries Department maintains an up-to-date library from which families and their pastors may borrow resources at no charge.
Families in the Carolinas are prayed for, and when requested, they are ministered to individually, couples and families are provided Biblical counsel, and are referred to Christian professionals for additional ministry. Our intent is to help families bear fruit in the rough spots in their everyday lives and relationships as well as in the smooth spots. Our vision is healthy families for eternity.