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October 2024 Carolina's 10,000 P5

Embracing Carolina with the Compassionate Call of Christ

The 10,000 President’s Prayer Partners is a fast-growing group of Carolina Conference constituents who take matters such as these to their knees. We invite you to join us and make this monthly list a matter of prayer. Together we seek the Lord for His answers and provisions to every need we bring before Him.

On Thursday evening, September 26, Hurricane Helene charged its way northwest from its initial category 4 impact at the Florida Gulfcoast bend as it headed northwest as a major tropical storm causing havoc along its destructive path with severe flooding, downed powerlines and power outages, collapsed roads and bridges, damaged houses and churches, and the tragic loss of life.

The last few days have been very heavy on our hearts as we’ve experienced such catastrophic destruction and damage to one of the most beautiful parts of God’s country. I have personally been in touch with virtually every pastor affected by this devastating storm – just to assess how each of them, their families and churches are doing, and above all to pray with each of them for wisdom, courage, and strength to endure through the crisis in which each of them are enduring hardships and great inconveniences.

The areas around western North and South Carolina have taken a big hit from this

storm. Many side roads and driveways are still blocked by a tangle of trees. Unfortunately entire towns like Swannanoa and Chimney Rock have been completely destroyed -- including our Spanish Church in Swannanoa.

According to Mount Pisgah Academy (MPA’s) Principal Dewald Coetzer, all our students have safely gone home. The school is closed for the next two weeks through the home leave of October 13. Thank God that everyone is safe and are in good spirits. Thankfully there was no major damage on the campus other than two downed trees and a few homes of staff members that experienced some flooded basements. However, since both campuses at Pisgah and our neighboring Fletcher Academy were without power and water, they sent their students home for 2 weeks. A few days ago, power and water were restored to both campuses.

We have a large volunteer contingency from Southern Adventist University and other Adventist schools who are working together under the leadership of Jim Ingersoll (Director of 2 Serve) in helping folks with clearing their driveways and helping them with access to basic needs at various distribution pod sites. Pastor David Graham, our Director of Community Services and Disaster Relief for the Carolina Conference is overseeing all operations for the church from his base of operations at our Fletcher Church.

In conversation with Rick Faber, Our Camp Manager at Nosoca Pines Ranch, there was minimal damage except for a number of downed trees and a flooded field where Lake Wateree overflowed its boundaries on to the camp property. Although regrettably the Men’s Ministries Retreat had to be cancelled, the Women’s Ministries Retreat and other subsequent events will be able to be hosted there.

At this point, we know of no casualties among our members; however, the death toll in the area affected continues to rise and the number of missing persons is very concerning. This was Carolina’s Katrina. It will take years to recoup from all the damage.

Carole and I made our first trip to the area with my truck loaded with containers of gasoline (Sh! Don’t tell anyone!!), and we spent all day Friday and Sabbath delivering supplies of generators, blankets, chain saws, propane tanks, and fresh produce-mainly fruit, which are hard commodities to get there right now.

Although the power grid and water is being restored in some places, it will be months before all power and water are restored in many parts of Asheville and surrounding areas. It’s my understanding that the main line carrying water into Asheville is 23 miles long and has to be repaired. Another major challenge in the area is phone and Internet connectivity -- which are still unstable and sketchy. Repair to two major fiber optic cables that were destroyed by flooding waters will be another major hurdle to overcome.

Right now, a great need is money gift cards for several people who’ve lost their houses, possessions and jobs because of the loss of work since entire factories have been destroyed. They (mostly Spanish, but some of our English members) need financial help with getting basic needs like food and water. There are a few members who lost everything – both housing and possessions – without their financial ability to have insurance coverage. We are in the process of seeking accommodations and compassionate assistance for them.

Despite all this devastation and loss, I see God working through people with compassionate care. I am reminded of that statement from Christ’s Object Lessons that “It is in a crisis that character is revealed.” God will carry us through this. An enemy has done this. However, we can certainly live with hope since we can cling to Jesus’ assurance in John 16:33 and know the beautiful end of the story:

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (NKJV)

Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughtful concerns for all who’ve been impacted by Helena and its aftermath.

Pentecost 2025 is the launching of a bold plan of the North American Division to experience 3000 proclamation events across the expanse of this great division of God’s remnant church. It is a plan that will only be successful through prayer and the intervention of the Holy Spirit. In Carolina, we have added a prayer-plea tag line to the Lord – “Let it Rain!”

Beginning with our July (2024) issue of P5 and continuing through 2025 we invite our President’s Prayer Partners to continue coming together in an earnest and heartfelt appeal for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit as we near the soon return of our Savior.

As a dad. I used to love playing hide and seek with my children, and then I carried on with that fun activity as a grandpa with my three granddaughters. However, they always found me with little effort. I wasn’t hiding from them to frustrate or confuse them. Rather, I was hiding for us to give them the joyful blessing of discovery and laughter.

Throughout the Bible God always made sure His children could discover Him and know His will. With deliberate strategy, our loving God shifted His method of communication from one age to the next. But His purpose did not. People in the Old Testament relied on prophets, signs, visions, and other external factors. God’s primary method of speaking to His children (That’s us!!) shifted in New Testament times.

Here are just a few ways we can discover how God revealed Himself and His plans in the Old Testament:

• A burning bush (Exodus 3:4)

• A wet and dry fleece (Judges 6: 37-40)

• Fire on a mountaintop (I Kings 18:38-39)

• Handwriting on a wall (Daniel 5:5)

• Casting lots (Jonah 1:7)

Have you ever wondered why God as our Heavenly Father seems to be hiding from us? Physical signs seemed to be the most unmistakable way of knowing God’s voice and His will. But I have to admit that I have never honestly heard the voice of God. No lightening strikes from Heaven! I must admit that I have a challenge when people say’ “God told me…” On the other hand, He has provided us with a far superior means for us to be engaged in our relationship with Him than our biblical ancestors of the Old Testament ever experienced. He has given us Himself, permanently and internally, in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Join me this month in thanking God for the providential, divine encounters we experience today through the still small voice of His Spirit. He has not promised to lead us in a way that appeals just to our senses; rather, He has promised to lead us in a way that appeals to our spirit – the leading of the Holy Spirit within us.

When God shows up in a tangible, surprising way, you and I can certainly enjoy and relish those moments and thank Him for such blessings above and beyond what we could have imagined. Then turn your attention to the Scriptures and thank Him for the precious promise of Jesus in John 16:17-8 (NKJV)

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Ask God and thank Him daily for giving you the most miraculous means of hearing His voice as He leads your life and each person who believes in Him through His Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit, I need you Come Sweet Spirit I pray Come in Your strength and Your power Come in Your own special way. — Bill & Gloria Gaither

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that Seventh-day Adventist Christian education is centered on three core values: faith, learning, and service. By combining these values, Adventist Christian education seeks to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students not only for academic success but also for a journey of devotion to Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and a life of commitment in service for others.

Throughout our heritage, the goal of our educational ministry has developed, and it continues to advance today. From its early roots in Battle Creek, Michigan in the 1860’s to modern-day Adventist Christian schools

around the globe, it Is through the consecrated lives and exemplary characters of dedicated Adventist educators that set it apart from secular education.

This month, let’s remember and uplift these Carolina educators in our thoughtful prayers:

With each issue of our President’s Prayer Partners (P5), we continue to focus specifically on one of our goals and share some of the developments that are helping us in our journey toward accomplishing that goal.

Both this month and next, we will continue to focus on our first goal of developing and implementing measurable goals for discipleship as we choose to become more like Jesus by spending time with Him.

I recently asked our pastors to share what’s happening in each of their churches with our dedicated emphasis on discipleship. Here are some of the wonderful developments taking place across the Carolinas as we seek to draw closer to Christ. Because we had so many pastors who took the time to share their excitement with developments of outreach and discipleship, I chose to divide these pastoral testimonies into two parts for both for this month and next.

Remember that this is Pastor Appreciation Month. So don’t forget to pray for God’s blessing on these discipleship initiatives and for God’s protection and continued care for the shepherds of His churches across the Carolinas.

Pastor Cory Reeves

Mills River Seventh-day Adventist Church

“Mills River is focused on ministries that help our community, such as health and cooking classes, God’s Closet, and connecting with parents in the school. This is done so we can invite more people we know to our reaping series, not just flyers. We make our efforts a friendship effort as we serve our community. We are also working on getting everyone involved in the ministries we are doing; we feel as Christians, we are all called to witness for Him, and this makes us healthy disciples of His kingdom.“

Pastor Ross Knight

Raleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church

“The Raleigh SDA Church assembled its elders’ team with discipleship in mind. We have eleven elders with a diverse makeup, in generation, culture, and ethnicity. Each elder is currently functioning in a ministry role and serve as the eyes and ears for most of our various ministries. They are looking to identify and equip members, especially youth and young adults whom they can see God is blessing. They also look to plug newly baptized individuals, or new people in general, into involvement in ministries working with those who have experience or expertise in said area. As an example, we just recently baptized a teenager in our church and he is joining our team of deacons to grow and learn. Leaders are also encouraged to identify and train new leaders with the intention of handing the baton, so to speak, to the next person to lead.”

Pastor Mark Kent

Florence First SDA Church

Florence Adventist Company

“Specifically in Florence First, prayer meeting is going through the Discipleship Handbook. At Florence Adventist, we have just started a book called “Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You” at prayer meeting. Also at Florence First, we have started a sermon series going through all 28 fundamentals of our beliefs. We will finish just before camp meeting next year. The elders and I are working together on this and each taking a topic.”

Josias Flores

Boone New Life SDA Church

Banner Elk SDA Church

“The Banner Elk Seventh-day Adventist Church is seeking to grow disciples by going through the “Discipleship Handbook” at different times during the week with church members. Every regularly attending member received a copy, and a group stays by after potluck dinner every Sabbath to pray and discuss the chapter for that day. Another group of members connect on Zoom every Wednesday at noon to do the same. The Boone New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church is seeking to develop disciples by training children and young people as to how to preach and get involved in church life. Seminars on “How to Give a Bible Study” and “How to be Contagious Adventist” were made available this year to the members of both congregations, as well as a seminar hosted by the local hospital chaplain titled “Caregiver Conversations” teaching attendees practical tips to better listen to those experiencing health crises.”

Rob Welch

Lumber River SDA Company

SDA Company of the Sandhills

“At Lumber River SDA we are having prayer meetings every Wednesday after studying the “Discipleship Handbook”. Our goal is to learn the material in order to set standards for our lives which are more conducive to a Christian God-led life. Most of those who are involved in this study are leaders in the church who will at some point in the future teach the information we are learning to others.” “At SDA Sandhills there is a prayer meeting occurring every Monday and Bible study via zoom on Wednesday evenings. Not having a facility makes it difficult to come together in person. We are trying to work around this.”

Don Davis

Spartanburg SDA Church

“The Spartanburg Church has begun a monthly discipleship training called “Ignite.” Our first session on Sabbath afternoon, September 21, was focused on spiritual gifts and helping our members know how to discover and put to use their God-given gifts in ministering to others. Each month we will focus on another dimension of discipleship, including the nurturing and care of both new and existing members.”

Nick Wanovich

Summerville Community

Orangeburg SDA Churches

“In Summerville we have officially run out space in our sanctuary and so this coming Sabbath will be our first one meeting full time in our gymnasium. We are holding an evangelistic series this October and after that we will be launching our Bible school to prepare the guests that came to the series for Baptism.”

“In Orangeburg we have two ongoing Bible studies of individuals who have chosen to be baptized. We are also renovating the sanctuary to make God’s house honorable. We have many guests attending Orangeburg and we are planning on an evangelistic series next year. God is moving!”

Tim Sheridan

Forest City Three Angels SDA Church

Marion SDA Church

“In both Marion and Forest City we have started what I’m calling “Discipleship Sabbath” the 2nd Sabbath in Forest City and the 3rd Sabbath in Marion. During both the 11:00 hour and 1 hour after fellowship dinner we are educating and training members to become both well rounded disciples and ultimately disciple makers. This training will transition into the field through actual mentoring by example.

Mauricio Schiavenin

Rocky Mount

Roanoke Rapids-Roanoke Valley SDA Church

“ ‘My Reason to Praise‘ - This is a monthly online webinar featuring testimonies of our church members regarding explicit interventions and providential acts of God in their lives. The goal of this program is to train our church members to share their personal testimonies to show people that God is real and working in people’s lives.”

“‘Connect and Grow Groups” - This is an in-person small group initiative that aims to bring our church members together once a week for Bible study, prayer, testimonies, and eating. The goal of this initiative is to strengthen our members faith in God by deepening their knowledge in the Bible and by supporting one another in our Christian journey.”

“‘Youth Podcast’ - This is a monthly activity in which our church youth study a trending topic such as cryptocurrency and social media and analyze their implications for a believer. The goal is to stimulate our youth to study to understand and share the Bible’s perspective on popular current topics.”

Steve Bietz

Morganton SDA Church

“Next week, on Sabbath, September 26th, I will baptize three individuals that I have been studying with us since July. Their names are Erica, Gabriel, and Nevaeh. I have assigned a nurturing companion for each of them and I will be staying engaged with them on a personal level as well.”

Ilcias Vargas

Henderson SDA Church

Wake Forest SDA Church

“In the Henderson SDA Church, one of the current priorities of our leadership team is to strengthen and disciple the families in our congregation. The elders have been meeting regularly (and more recent, weekly) to “check-in,” encourage one another, and prayerfully discuss ways to effectively foster the spiritual growth of the church. Earlier this year, the church hosted a family week of prayer promoting a healthy, spiritually focused lifestyle for our families. Over the course of the year, church members were also trained and equipped them for outreach, not only in the community surrounding their church, but also in their personal spheres of influence; they were encouraged as they met regularly to share testimonies of how God was blessing their commitment to witnessing. A family picnic day was also held to foster connections and build bonds between the families in our church. Through building relationships and carrying out intentional ministries, leaders at Henderson are committed to actively discipling our families.”

“In the Wake Forest SDA Church, members are being actively discipled through a robust Bible class on Sabbath afternoons, Wednesday night meetings devoted to fervent prayer followed by enriching discussion focused on the inspired writings of E. G. White, a vibrant ladies’ book club, as well as outreach through nursing home visitations and delivering packs of food and spiritual material to the homeless each month. Youth are being discipled through mentoring into different roles in the life of the church, from helping with audio-visual needs to leading their own Youth Sabbath, which was connected with a focus on outreach to the homeless that proved to be very impactful for our youth (learn more about their experience in a mini-doc at Thus, discipleship in the Wake Forest church has been very holistic, involving not only focused instruction but also practical application through service and outreach.”

Scottie Deal

Fayetteville SDA Church

“I have included in my board of elders, a couple of young elders that are 30 and 40 years of age. They are responsible for leading out in training the youth to follow Jesus and become leaders in the church. They conduct a weekly Sunday soccer, basketball and volleyball game that bridges the church and community. We have a youth Sabbath each month. Every quarter, the youth, between the ages of 13-35 take over the service, as well as preach. We started a hybrid Bible study that is local and international. We launched a student week of prayer where each night a teenager presents a topic that focuses on the challenges that the youth face in and out of the church. We recently held a youth retreat at a nearby retreat center in Fayetteville, and we had about 80-100 youth, with ages 13-35 in attendance. This initiative focused on the question, “How can God use me in the church?”

I am personally conducting a training, “Church Leadership” for young and older first-time leaders and officers in the church. Additionally, I’m preparing a ministry called “God Encounters” to incorporate in my service. This ministry will feature a guest speaker from our own membership. This will involve the individual member sharing their personal experience with Jesus and how His saving grace has impacted their lives in a positive way, thus enabling them to become more comfortable sharing their testimony with others in and out of church. Lastly, we have started incorporating new members in our weekly Zoom prayer-meeting. We are averaging 45 families every Wednesday night, and each week the number of attendees is increasing.”


Protection from Satan

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8


Protection from Our Sinful Heart

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

James 1:14-15


Deep Spiritual Encouragement

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12



If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5


Doctrinal Faithfulness

By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.

2 Timothy 1:14


A Healthy Body

But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others, I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:27


A Strong Marriage & Family

He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church.

1 Timothy 3:2-6

As a President’s Prayer Partner, we invite

you once again to be truly a people of the

Word. As Seventh-day Adventists, we adhere to

28 Fundamental Beliefs that are based solely on

the Bible. We began our third cycle of focusing on

these vital beliefs, which are centered in Christ as

both our Savior and Lord, in December of 2021.

Let’s continue to thoughtfully place His Word

in our hearts every day this month. I personally

carry a set of these passages in my car and recite

them aloud as I drive from one place to another.

My aim is to say one verse prayerfully at least

five times a day for a week, thus internalizing the

promise of God’s Word: “Thy word have I hid in

mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

(Psalm 119:11)

I encourage you to repeat these passages until they become a part of your very being. Of course, you’re always free to do more. Please consider, in a prayerful manner, how you can saturate your soul with His Word and make it a part of your heart every day.

Be part of God’s praying church across North America by uplifting these leaders of our church who guide God’s work in these territories of God’s vineyard:


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Elder Leslie Louis
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