Ministerial Spouses Association
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved is and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2
Mission Statement
Choosing to reflect Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
The Carolina Conference Ministerial Spouses’ Association was formed to assist the spouse of a currently employed minister in:
Fostering personal and spiritual growth
Clarifying of the role of a minister’s spouse
Developing a team ministry uniquely suited to her/his interests and abilities
Training as a paraprofessional in the ministry
Finding fellowship and a support system
Developing closer home relationships
Supporting our spouses by prayer for and encouraging them
Ensuring our marriage is a living testimony of Christ’s love for His Church
A Message from the Director
It is my desire that we as spouses remember that our ministry is a team ministry. We each bring talents and abilities to that ministry that will make it more complete. In the garden it took Adam and Eve to represent Christ, Adam to reflect His strength and Eve to reflect His gentleness. Bringing souls to the feet of Jesus is an honored and sacred responsibility. May we continue to shepherd His flock until we see our Savior return and hear His precious words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
Carole Louis
Ministerial Spouses’ Association Director