July, 2018 Carolina's 10,000 P5 (part 2)
A. Our Carolina Prayer Summit – July 20-22 – Ridgecrest, North Carolina
I praise God for our emphasis on Prayer Ministries and for all our Carolina prayer coordinators who have echoed the words Luke 11:1 – “Lord, teach us to pray.” Prayer overflows with power for the church and for our personal connection to the One who cherishes us as His own. Let’s pray in a special way that we will have a resounding support for and attendance at our upcoming Carolina Prayer Summit. Much effort has been put into coordinating this event by Cindy Mercer and her secretary, Zuri Scroggins. D.L. Moody once said, “Every movement of God can be traced back to a kneeling figure.” Until we get to Heaven we may never know who was protected, encouraged, or saved as a result of our prayers. Lord, teach us to Pray!
B. Our Carolina Ministers’ Retreat– July 29–August 1 at Nosoca Pines Ranch
Carolina pastoral team carries a sacred calling to nurture and care for God’s precious family
in each of our churches. At the same time they have a prayerful desire to unite the church in fulfilling Jesus commission of seeking and saving the lost who need Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their Lives. The Ministerial Department along with our Carolina Ministerial Advisory has planned for a very special time of worship, fellowship, inspiration, instruction, and recreation. Let’s uplift our pastors and their families in our fervent prayers as we gather together for this time of renewal and revitalization in our service for Christ and His churches of the Carolinas.
PRAY AND COMMIT to expanding the work of our publishing ministry in the distribution of truth-filled literature by:
Promoting a visible display of a Glow Tract Rack in every Carolina Church for members to utilize in sharing seeds of truth in every church community across North and South
Developing the Magabook program to include and demonstrate a growing number of students from our church schools and academies in our conference territory in conjunction with an annual rate of increased sales.
Supporting the work of our dedicated full-time literature evangelists by adding a full-time field district leader.
In 2012 and 2013, the Publishing ministry of the Carolina Conference primarily focused on the work of our Literature Evangelists. Across the North American Division this work has been diminished significantly. Of the 59 conferences across North America, with only 4 sister conferences [Georgia-Cumberland, Carolina, Kentucky-Tennessee, and Gulf States] have formed a relational alliance to broaden the scope of publishing by:
Supporting and nurturing the work of our Literature Evangelists (formerly referred to as colporteurs)
Encouraging the faithful witnesses of a Glow Tract Ministry in all 154 churches and companies of
Expanding the Magabook Ministry to include more students and youth from the Carolinas for the work in the Carolinas.
I am truly grateful for the leadership of Lance Morrison and our newly elected associate in Publishing Ministry -- Pastor Rubi Pimentel in the vital ministry of the Carolinas – flooding our field with truth-filled literature that will serve as seeds of truth to reach more hearts for Heaven. So how have we done in our publishing ministry so far in the past two years of 2016 & 2017?
Our 13 Carolina Conference Literature Evangelists (9 of them who are dedicated to full time literature ministry) have sold over $336,000 of truth-filled literature.
13 Baptisms have resulted from this ministry.
10,800 pieces of free literature have been distributed across the Carolinas.
2,066 noted prayers have been offered in the homes visited through this ministry.
Thousands of non-Seventh-day Adventists are being witnessed to every year by our Literature Evangelists.
GLOW is an acronym for Giving Light to our World. The work of our publishing Department has expanded significantly to involve every member as a witness to sow seeds of truth to the hearts of our church communities. Glow Track racks are now being placed in prominent places in the lobbies of our churches. When we began this initiative to have GLOW tract racks in every church, we ended up with:
47 Glow Track Racks in our churches by the end of 2016
93 Glow Track Racks in our churches by the end of 2017
103 Projected Glow Track Racks in our churches by the end of this year (2018)
The goal of our MAGABOOK Ministry is to provide quality witnessing material at the best
possible prices, provide students with opportunities and experiences that impact people‘s lives and strengthen their own relationship with Christ, while offering our youth and young adults with a Christ-centered employment opportunity that can be a blessing to funding their Adventist education.
Let’s continue to uplift and pray for these soldiers of the cross who are God’s boots on the ground. As they knock on doors and follow up lead cards, make personal contacts with Heaven’s smile on their faces, and sow seeds of truth across the expanse of the Carolinas with our publications of truths centered in Christ, may they sense the presence of Holy angels and experience the power of the Holy Spirit.