April, 2018 Carolina's 10,000 P5, part 2
Praising God for Answered Prayers on Behalf of the School of Nursing.

Last year we petitioned our constituents to pray for the challenges facing the Associate Degree in Nursing (ASN) at Southern Adventist University and with the State Board of Nursing in Tennessee.
By our prayers and the dedicated efforts of the School of Nursing, 96% of the graduates in 2017 who took the NCLEX-RN are licensed. The first-time pass-rate required by the state is 88% in order for the university to offer this nursing program, which impacts hundreds of students across the Southern Union. We praise the Lord for Dr. Barbara James, Chair of the School of Nursing and the entire team of staff as they worked diligently to address this situation. They care very deeply about student success, and are so grateful for the favorable resolution and God’s blessings to re-open and continue the ASN program.

PRAY AND COMMIT to increasing the number of our conference operated church schools to at least 25 with a 5% increase in our overall K-12 enrollment from what it is now. Currently we have 20 Church Schools & One Boarding Academy. We embrace the Advent message that we are living in the closing moments of earth’s history. Therefore, it is our desire to advocate and validate the counsel of God’s messenger that “In the highest sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one.” Education, Page 20
Adventist education is a vitally important ministry in the preparation of our children and youth for service in this world, and to nurture their lives in a deeper relationship with Jesus. Across North America, the secularization of society has corrupted the curriculum. Every day we see moral decline from the standards of God and His word. Unfortunately, a shift of priorities and financial commitments has impacted God’s remnant people. Sadly these factors have resulted in a downturn of overall enrollments – especially in our church schools across the North American Division – including our own conference. However, PRAISE THE LORD that for the past three years, Carolina has seen a steady rise in overall enrollment at our church schools.
I believe in the amazing power and influence that Adventist education can make on a person’s life. You may have heard the saying that the proof is in the pudding! Carole and I are truly the results of Adventist education and the priority and sacrifices that were made by our parents to keep us in an environment that would foster an abiding relationship with Jesus.
We both are a living testimony to the dedicated commitment of consecrated educators and schools which guided our lives, challenged our thinking, provided us with opportunities of growth and practical experience, and pointed us closer to Jesus. That’s what I see happening in our church schools across the Carolinas, and I thank God for our wonderful team of teachers who touch the precious lives of our children and youth every day for Christ in the classroom.
Every year, each of our four officers visit every school to show them how much we value their amazing commitment, compassion, and care for the hearts they are preparing for God’s kingdom. Last month (in March) I visited these two wonderful church schools:

Wilmington SDA School Myrtle Beach SDA School
Becky Anderson, Head Teacher Rebecca Cain, Head Teacher